Ancona Ducks
Ancona Ducks are rare but have a substantial following in the US and Europe where they were first bred in the United Kingdom. They are a medium size, hardy domesticated duck that does not fly, content to waddle around your garden devouring nasty slugs, snails and voracious weeds. A good beginner's duck, they are docile, friendly and easy to train, handle your hatchlings early. They should have access to water, if not a pond on your property a kiddie's wading pool will do. Keep them sheltered and locked in at night to protect them from predators.
Our female ducks (hens) lay large, rich eggs (wonderful for omlettes, desserts and savory dishes) consistently throughout the winter provided they are given adequate light in their duck house. Besides what they forage, they are fed a quality organic game bird feed that we mix ourselves. They love to nibble on fruit and veggie scraps and frozen peas for an extra special treat in the hot summer. Always provide plenty of fresh drinking water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar per gallon of to keep them healthy. Check our blog for recommended feed and care of your hatchlings.